The Committee of Usk in Bloom are pleased to announce the 2019 Residential Gardens Awards and these can be viewed by clicking on the attached link:-
2019 UiB Town Competition Results
How to collect your certificate:- Town Competition Certificate Claim
Independent judging took place on 5th August. Each category was marked out of 100 and divided into 5 sections of 20 points. The sections being:-
1: Initial Impression
2: Colour Scheme
3: Use of available space
4: Imaginative use of plants and features
5: Quality of plants and maintenance including removal of weeds.
There are 4 category sections with the key codes as follows:-
FG = Front Garden
HWOFG = House without front garden
HBWB&P = Hanging baskets, window boxes and pots.
Plus best pollinator garden.
Congratulations are given to:-
7 Adam Close – for the overall best Front Garden
12 Baron Street – for the overall best house without a front garden
7 Chepstow Road – for the overall best hanging basket, window box and pots section
Hafodwen, Monmouth Rd for the overall best Pollinator Garden.
AND FINALLY – The overall best residential category award goes to ….
7 Adam Close
There will be an awards evening – details to follow along with how you can order your Bloom Certificate if you wish to have one.
A massive thank you to everyone who continues to make Usk Bloom!