
Usk in Bloom work is carried out entirely by volunteers and members of partner organisations who assist with campaigns.  During the main growing season volunteers form work parties to undertake planting, weeding and dead-heading work.

Our volunteers only contribute when their other commitments allow. No volunteer is expected to join a work party every week – no gardening experience is necessary, just enthusiasm!

The volunteers meet in Twyn Square Usk every Thursday at 10.00am and, if daylight allows, at 6.00pm for maintenance of the displays.  Bigger projects need work-parties which take place mostly at weekends. Everyone is welcome, as a one-off or as part of a regular team.

For meeting details see our Usk in Bloom Facebook page, the noticeboard opposite the Usk Co-op, or ask for email updates.

Our plants are raised and supplied by The Willows Garden Centre, Usk,  run by Russell and Anna Walker.

Your Street in Bloom
We encourage residents to adopt floral tubs in their street to help with maintenance and also to collect litter.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or require further information please contact:-  secretary@uskinbloom.org.uk

Become a Friend and/or make a regular donation please go to :-

or contact our treasurer at  treasurer@uskinbloom.org.uk